Blogs to Help Boost Your Website Traffic
Your restaurant’s website is the go-to place for customers to find information about your business. Something as simple as checking your hours or menu can lead customers to spend more time on your website, and in turn lead to more online orders. One element of a website that can vastly improve customer engagement and increase sales is a blog page.
While writing blog posts can feel like a significant time commitment, any additional content on a restaurant’s website is extremely important for gaining more traffic. Content that is written in a plain text format (just like what you’re reading) can be indexed through keywords by search engines like Google. Adding blog posts to your website helps expand the net of potential customers searching for specific items related to your restaurant or services. Once they find you, they are much more likely to turn into loyal customs. So we know blogs are important, but what exactly are they?
What is a Blog
As mentioned above, a blog is as simple as words on a page. While the concept is simple, the execution of a good blog takes a little more work. When someone hits a website page with a mountain of words, and doesn’t know what they are about, they will immediately leave. They might even expect all of your website pages to be this way and choose not to revisit your website due to the lack of clarity in your content.
To avoid this problem and create blogs that drive traffic you need to inform users about a topic. The key differentiator of blogs vs. other website content is that each page speaks to a specific topic. These topics can be about upcoming events, new menu offerings, or happy hour specials. There are no set rules on what they can be, just that it should be one overarching topic, organized in a way that is easy to read and learn high-level information from at a glance.
The content options on your blog are limitless, and it’s something you can add to or edit at any time directly through the Fisherman dashboard. Ok so now we know what a blog is, but why are they important?

Why Blogs are Important
Search engines like Google and Bing reward websites who consistently publish content that helps define their services and inform customers. The reward is ranking website pages higher in a user’s search query, increasing the chances they find your website and become a customer.
This in turn generates more website traffic for your restaurant website and often more online orders or visits to your physical location. Increasing your bottom line and building your customer base.
While writing blogs may seem like a chore, getting in the habit of producing fresh content will pay off. It is also a chance to introduce customers to your staff, the mission of your restaurant, and get feedback on potential new additions to your business.
How to Get Started
So we’ve convinced you to start a blog! But where do you start? Well, we like a good ole’ fashion Word Document or Google Document brainstorm session. Coming up with a topic each week or each month can be stressful, so we encourage you to think of at least 8 - 10 topics you want to talk about over the next few months. A good brainstorm document could look like:
My Restaurant’s Blog Topics:
- Summer menu updates
- New head chef
- Grand opening of new location
- Fundraiser for local charity
- Restaurant week specials
- Our founding story
- Taste of Home: where your food comes from
- How our vegetarian food tastes so good
- Recipes for popular dishes
Now that you have your topics, all you have to do is gather some details on them and share with your customers! Looking for some inspiration on how you’d like your blog page to look? We’ve built an example website with some blog posts that you can use as a guide to get started. If you have any questions regarding blogs or getting set up with a website, Fisherman is here to help. We’re excited to see the amazing content you’ll add to your website and how it will help you gain loyal customers!

For Fisherman Clients
If you’re a Fisherman client on our Pro plan, Blogging is included and you can add Blog Posts directly from your Dashboard. You can contact our Support Team through the chatbot or by email if you have any questions.
If you’re interested in working with Fisherman, we’ll put together a complete website for your business to preview for free. Get Started by submitting your contact information on our website: