
How To Make A Salon Website That Captivates And Converts

A salon website needs to be attractive, easy to navigate, and packed with information that's useful to potential customers. From creative design elements and booking options to image galleries and reviews, learn what you need to include in your salon website to make sure it stands out from the competition.

Choose the Right Domain Name and Hosting Platform

The first step in creating a website for your salon is choosing the best domain name and hosting platform. Take time to research available names and find one that reflects the character of your salon and includes keywords related to your services. Then look for reliable web hosting with customer support, secure features, and an easy setup that meets your budget. Once you have your name and hosting sorted out, you'll be ready to begin designing your salon website.

Tempt Visitors with Esthetically Pleasing Elements 

Now that you have the basics of the salon website set up, it's time to focus on design elements that will capture your visitor’s attention and keep them engaged. This includes adding an eye-catching banner, high-quality images, and crisp typography. Put yourself in the shoes of a potential customer by looking at other similar websites or professional design portfolios to get inspiration. Lastly, don’t forget basic elements such as an easy-to-use navigation bar, contact info, and booking information so you can start converting visitors into loyal customers.

Add Calls to Action throughout Your Pages 

Calls-to-action, or CTAs, should be implemented on almost every page of your salon website. A CTA typically includes a call to action phrase and a button that directs visitors to another page, i.e., book an appointment, subscribe for updates, or read more about services. Make sure the language is clear and easy to understand so that visitors don’t have second guesses about what they are clicking on or where they will land after hitting the button. 

Provide an Easy Booking System 

One of the most important components of your salon website is having an easy, efficient, and user-friendly booking system. It should allow customers to select their preferred time, services, and stylists - all in one place. This simple option will reduce dropped bookings and create a smooth customer experience from start to finish. To simplify it, integrate your scheduling system with popular applications like DaySmart for a seamless online booking system customers appreciate.

Include Testimonials to Build Credibility

Your website should be filled with convincing, honest reviews and success stories. Reviews play an important role in turning visitors into customers because people trust the experiences of others before they try the service themselves. Encourage customers to share their experiences on social media or Google Maps. Showing off reputable reviews will make your salon seem more ‘real’ to customers and build credibility and a professional image.

Essential Pages To Include In Your Salon Website

Home Page

This is the main page of your website. 

It should have the following:

  1. A welcome message and an introduction to your business
  2. The most popular services and an option to book them.
  3. An option to make a booking or get in contact with you
  4. Your business operation hours
  5. Any social channels you use
  6. Testimonials
  7. High-quality imagery

About Page  

This is where visitors will learn more about you, build trust, and decide if they want to do business with you.

Your About page should have the following:

  1. Your story
  2. Your experience
  3. Introduction to your team if you have one
  4. Visitors would like to know fun or exciting things about you and your company, so add them here
  5. A call to action to join your newsletter, sign up for an event, or a contact form

Services Page  

Showcase your expertise, services, and pricing.

Turn visitors into customers by investing in booking software that is added to your services page to create an easy booking option.

Team page  

Showcase your team and their expertise on this page.

If you have a team, we highly recommend spotlighting them on a team page. It gives them a chance to shine, increases their booking opportunity, and makes your beauty business look professional.

More people search for beauty businesses online than through social media, so it is critical to get a website as fast as possible. If you don't want the hassle of doing it yourself but don’t want to pay agency fees and wait months for your website, check out Fisherman Websites. We offer affordable, modern, and mobile-friendly designs that can be created in as little as one business day.